Submitted by Don Doman
Some people tend to go for the least expensive solution available for them to get the things done. I remember watching an old Jack Benny TV program. Benny was known as a penny-pincher. In his opening scene he boasted of buying a beautiful handmade suit from Hong Kong. He then welcomed guest star Gisele MacKenzie and the two of them played a violin duet. With each stroke of his bow his suit let him down, a seam would open up, or his sleeve would fall off, or his pant leg would split. It was hilarious. The point of course is that you get what you pay for . . . and Jack Benny’s character didn’t like to pay a lot.
Jack Benny was funny on the radio, in the movies, and hit his stride in early TV.This doesn’t work when you are searching for the most effective tarps. When you’re protecting equipment that sometimes costs thousands and thousands of dollars, you need to have the best protection you can afford. A custom made tarp can assist you by enhancing protection for both residential and commercial equipment.
Protection and convenience are the operative words. That’s the prominent benefit associated with custom made tarps. You’ll find it as an easy task to work with custom made tarps instead of standard tarps. They are specifically designed to fit the purpose so you don’t need to worry about anything while you are using them. Made to fit is a great benefit. Your dimensions become part of your requirements. The other part is durability.
Commercial sewing machines are used with heavy tarp material.Mark Twain once said, “Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” Custom made tarps stand up against harsh weather conditions as well as time. Apart from weather conditions, custom tarps can also deliver protection of your equipment against tree sap, pollen and bird droppings. This is especially true around marinas here along the Puget Sound. This is the main reason why people should seek custom tarps to protect vehicles, boats, and other watercraft, as well as snowmobiles and winter equipment.
Custom tarps have become extremely popular in the trucking industry. That’s because they can provide an excellent assistance for the people to offer secure deliveries. Bundles and pallets can be kept covered in place while being transported long distances. Tarps provide protection to all sorts of loads, such as harvests, machinery, steel and lumber during transportation.
Internet writer Mark Keller, who grew up in Beaumont, Texas near the old oil fields says, “I’ve seen more tarps than all git-out including trucking tarps, fire department equipment tarps, oil field equipment tarps, utility tarps, rig tarps, and agricultural tarps. They can be flame retardant, mold and mildew resistant in marine grade materials.”
You can use tarps to fight the results of the weather, too.Tarp material is water resistant and can protect any kind of equipment. The focus should be covering equipment from all sides. Custom made tarps should be durable, especially when they are based upon your requirements.
Scott Sutherland of Tacoma Tent and Awning says, “If you have something too valuable to leave out in the rain or are trucking special equipment across the state or country, the best solution is a custom made cover or tarp. Here in the two-season Pacific Northwest it seems like we fight mold and mildew in one season, and fight snow and ice in the other.”
Many insurance companies sell weather insurance, which offers protection against numerous weather related disasters. So, you can buy insurance to help cover financial losses from weather-related events, but you are probably better served by buying tarps and equipment covers since one of the first questions your insurance adjuster will ask is, “What steps did you take to protect your equipment?”