Submitted by Don Doman
CenterStage Theatre on Dumas Bay, just north of Brown’s Point is staging a new musical about the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta, published in 1215, is the original statement of the rights of individuals in England. Our U.S. Constitution is based on this document. The musical shows the struggle of the common man, championed by Stephen Langton, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury (the good guy) against King John (the bad guy). The play has elements of Robin Hood, Dudley Do-Right, Les Miz, The Shop Around the Corner, and burlesque all rolled into one production. Of course, it’s a love story.

The large cast contains well seasoned actors and singers from the entire Puget Sound area. The play was written by retiring Artistic Director Alan Bryce. This is Alan’s third play in the last three years. All have been fantastic. He has a talented team of composers and lyricists working with him. The musical has enough bawdy comments, jokes, and gestures to entertain most teenage boys, and enough detail, passion, and drama to hold the interests of most others. The musical has had standing ovations at each performance.
CenterStage has received a $2000 grant for students. The play runs weekends through the 4th of June. If you know of any middle or high school students who would like to come as a group, contact Alan at before the tickets are all gone. Call 253-661-1444 for more information.