Most of you probably know by now that I am old school and am dead set against marijuana. On February 27, 2017, I published an article titled Westside Story – It’s A Wonderful Life which does a good job of removing all doubt regarding my position on dope.
I hope Lakewood City Council will take the high road and successfully crush State Representative Dave Sawyer’s effort to financially blackmail Lakewood into allowing doper shops inside our city. Ultimately, if Lakewood decides or is forced to get into the dope business, let me show you just one of the negative consequences should Lakewood becoming Sawyerville.

If it comes to pass, look for sign flipping sidewalk jockeys practicing free speech as they promote dope in our city. My photo shows it is already happening in the City of Tacoma where dope distribution centers are allowed.
Remember, if kids can read, they will want weed.
what do you propose to do about the billboards here in Lakewood sending revenue to other cities?
Ah, the old ‘lost-revenue-to-other-cities’ argument which, translated, suggests we should roll our citizens before other cities do.
Why must the bottom line always be the top priority?
Are there not other priorities, principles and values that guide our city?
One would think in this or any other matter that comes before our elected representatives, there would, or should be, overruling principles by which to make decisions. If we do not have such principles by which to make decisions, then we are without compass or anchor and are hopelessly adrift in a sea of cultural relativism and popular opinion and consequently are subject to every shift of wind and tide. Without such fundamental principles, we will be swayed by money, the majority, position, power, greed and on and on.
So, what are those governing principles by which to govern?
#1 – Our first duty is to protect our citizenry.
#2 – Everyone else is doing it doesn’t make it right for us.
#3 – Business retention, expansion and recruitment should reflect community values and quality of life.
Mr. Ames,
You make a good observation. Lakewood has no dope shops, yet we suffer from having those giant discusting doper billboards in our face.
Is that not bad enough?
It appears to me that, like it or not, billboards and the moronic activity of sidewalk sign flippers is based on highjacking our constitutional right to freedom of speech.
Dope shops in our city will be like leaving cheese out for the rats. Yes, if we have dope shops, we will get some city money, but we will also suffer from a rat infestation.
“What do I propose we do about the billboards?” Nothing. I have no ideas on how we can rid our city of this visual blight.
“What do I propose we do about the sign flippers? Something. Do not allow dope shops in Lakewood. No dope shops, no sign flippers. It works the same way cheese and rats work.
Charles, I can understand anyone reading our comments over time thinking we hate each other, but we don’t. It is a fact that Joe Boyle considers Charles Ames a friend. I said friend, not fiend.
We seldom agree on much, but we do not hate each other. Shall we meet for coffee again sometime soon to straighten out the world’s problems?
Joseph Boyle
I agree with the writer of this piece and would add that Lakewood already has a homeless problem–one that is exacerbated by drug use. I can think of very few ideas as short-sighted as, “I know; let’s bring more drugs into our community!” That’s a great way to make a bad situation worse.
Discusting, Joe? Surprised spellcheck didn’t get that.
Come on City Council lets get the revenue now. Pot shops don’t hurt people. People need pot to cope with many problems.
Lets close pharmacies, there is many more citizens addicted to prescription pills which leads to heroin as a cheap alternative.