I hate to brag, but if I do not beat my own drum, how will anyone know how great I am? Today I am able to demonstrate my greatness by drawing an intellectual comparison or connection between me, (Joe Boyle), and Michelangelo. Mikey and I have two things in common.
We both subscribe to life-long learning or Learning is Forever.
We both have the ability to paint the Sistine Chapel. Of course, I would have to use a rented airless spray gun and a 36” paint roller.

The essence of my greatness was captured before his death by that well known North Tacoma philosopher, Larry C. Capps, when he said, “I am greater than I am.”
Thank you for including the link to Learning Is ForEver. Our last Winter Quarter class was held yesterday, so I will be updating our LIFE website in short order. Our first Spring class will be held on April 4th- “Tapestry, Not a Metaphor- Handwoven Tapestry as an Art Form” by Cecilia Blomberg.