Marijuana sales will sprout – like the weed that it is – in Lakewood, the city joining La La Land – not the movie but its neighbors – in transitioning from holdout (bans) to handout (bucks).
“Principles,” after all, opined the Tacoma News Tribune Editorial Board, “don’t keep the lights on.”
And sprigs, that is branches, of the First Church of Cannabis will follow, along with sign spinners –people “trying to stop traffic with eye-catching tricks and acrobatics” – advertising services, both for Cannabis Church goers and cannabis consumers.
Wade Swormstedt, editor of Signs of the Times, a trade magazine for the sign industry in Cincinnati, Ohio, says “motion attracts attention.”
Spotted just the other day was one of these ‘human directionals.’ Only this guy’s sign wasn’t spinning. Swaying would be more descriptive.
Tyler L. Barnett, co-owner of Barnett Ellman LLC, a public relations and marketing firm in Los Angeles who has been hiring sign spinners to celebrate the opening of various and sundry establishments, says “the average person really only has the attention span of one or two seconds, so when you want to tell someone about a product, you really only have a couple seconds.”
Fortunately – and strategically – a stoplight served as the street corner where this particular sign-spinner-turned-sign-
The spinner-less-ness of the sign may have had something to do with its message. It was about where pot could be bought. Whether the fellow was holding the sign or the sign was holding him was unclear. In either case he seemed to be not really with the program.
‘Best get with the program’ is the “if-you-don’t-invest-right-
This is heady stuff. Someone should alert that wavering sign-waver, er, sign-swayer.
Speaking of swayed – and persuaded – that’s what Washington’s state legislators will be (Prediction Number Two) in 2017, expanding slot-machine gambling to non-tribal casinos thanks to a “casino mogul” having been elected to the White House.
“Trump will be the first U.S. president to have ever owned a casino, and the gambling industry has sent its wish list to the president-elect,” writes Wayne Parry for the Associated Press this past December 20, 2016.
When Dolores Chiechi, executive director of the Washington Recreational Gaming Association thatrepresents conveniently-located casinos in partner-for-predatory-profit cities like Lakewood, bemoaned in 2013 – and the year before that and the year before that – the rebuffed attempts by her organization before the legislature to obtain the one-armed bandits to “level the playing field” with the tribes, she said “it’s sink or swim for us.”
Well, surf’s up in 2017.
Prediction Number Three: RIP will rot on the ash heap of history.
The RIP (Rental Inspection Program) is the malignant, metastasizing movement across the state and nation of a deadly virus infecting government after local government, Lakewood not immune.
Supposedly inoculating citizens against the spreading disease of rat-infested hovels of humanity that so-called slumlords rent to unsuspecting tenants, the RIP – ostensibly sold to the public as a safety serum for which landlords are expected to line up and receive their shots – will unravel in 2017 via referendum, removing representatives from office in the process even as is happening elsewhere as residents are in fact linking – and lining – up to reclaim their individual rights to life and liberty, not to mention property.
Prediction 4 – Legislators will be Really frustrated when all taxes reach 100% of our income and they have to cancel new spending plans!
Cleverly put but actually inaccurate. Running out of other people’s money has never stopped government from spending it. They just go into debt. $20,000,000,000,000 and counting. The one thing they don’t do is “…..cancel new spending plans.”
What most people don’t understand is that taxes and fees amount to negative amortization of the money that we are able to earn, save and invest. The $1.00 that government takes today loses the potential every year thereafter to earn income for the citizen who pays it. 15% marginal federal tax rate; 15.3% social security; 9.4% sales tax; property taxes; $20.00 car tab fees; utility taxes and franchise fees; RIP business licenses and inspection fees; all add up to take from you the potential earnings that those funds could have had over the course of your lifetime. It’s financial death by 1000 cuts. Get out a business calculator and figure out this impact over a typical 40 year working career and you’ll see that up to 90% of what you would have had in retirement disappeared into government pockets.
You’re welcome for the prelude to your next letter.
All true except for the Renter Safety Program.