Some years ago I installed a rain chain as a downspout near my front door. At the base is a recessed drain grate covered with decorative colored stones.
Mother nature delivered a leaf upon the colored stones with the clear message to all those who approach our front entrance. “Dew drop in.” Rather welcoming, is it not?
For those who have never known anyone, like me, who can read a Himalayan White Birch leaf (Scientific Name: Betula jacquemonti), do not be hasty in your disbelief. When you think about it, we have all heard of people who read tea leaves.
If we get creative by adding some capitalization and an extra letter N we end up with a fun logo and name for a new DuPont restaurant, DEW DROP INN or perhaps The Dewpont Inn.
Talking as I am with such creative conceptional vision, perhaps I should have titled this piece, “Stoned”.
Beeleaf me, You’re off your tree!
Cut back on the Green Cross. Are you fresh out of Western State? Make sense man.