Whenever I am motorcycling cross country with my pals, Tom, Randy, Original-Jim, Drew, Steve and Duplicate-Jim 2, they are always complaining how hot it is. They wonder how I am able to endure the same hot weather they are melting in and never suffer or complain.
For me, it is an easy 3 step process, but it requires, as they say, thinking outside the box or in this case, inside the ice box.
Step 1
Find yourself one of those packaged ice vendor locations at a gas stop and open the door.Step 2
Stick your head in to confirm the temperature is delightful.Step 3

Twenty minutes later climb out and down the road you go as fresh and cool as you can be.
Believe me, it is a real heat beater.
In coming issues of the award-winning feature, The Suburban Times – Motorcycling Road Trip Tips, look for two additional articles where I share more valuable Road Trip Tip ideas.
Coming up!
Road Trip Tip #2: I developed this road trip tip after my pals, Tom, Randy, Original-Jim, Drew, Steve and Duplicate-Jim 2, started complaining about how cold it was on or cross-country motorcycle trips.
The tip requires thinking outside the box and finding a gas station with a propane vendor distribution station. You will need in your possession a box of stick matches, two heavy duty contractor grade black garbage bags, a knuckle bustin Crescent wrench and a good size fire extinguisher, just in case.
Road Trip Tip #3: Has to do with eradicating mosquitoes and pesky horse flies. This tip requires 3 fresh raccoon pelts and a five-gallon can of white gas. A fire extinguisher is not required. If you experience difficulty with five gallons of white gas, it will already be way too late for a fire extinguisher.
These articles and more are coming soon on a computer near you.