All it took was one enterprising East Coast scientist to crush our US oil dependency. He thought outside the box or I should say, outside the oil barrel.
I have included some actual scientific video leaked from the Delaware Test Site. Roll the film and you will get a solid idea what our work commute will look like in the future.
There are several things going on in the film you might not catch, so you know you can depend on Joe Boyle to point them out.
1. This transportation alternative is very economical. All that is required are a kids razor scooter, a dog leash, a small dog and a bag of dog food. The transportation unit is capable of moving a huge adult back and forth to work. In the film, the passenger is on his way to the White House where he works in the basement making stuff up for the President when the President handles questions at press conferences.
2. A side benefit to this new form of transportation is, as any eligible bachelor knows, dogs can be a great way to meet ladies. Look, there is a lady in the video to meet and it appears that our hero has superior dog power, which is a rating much like the old oil dependent horse power rating. The scientific bootlegged film shows him overtaking the lady. It will not be long before his dog meets her dog; the guy and gal have a conversation about the weather followed by the announcement of their engagement to be married.
There is a downside. If this transportation idea catches on, it is projected the US will suffer from a Made in China dog food dependency.
And what about the wrong-way kid bike rider? Headed to Seattle for more bike lane congestion?
It just proves we’re “going to the Dogs”.