Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle
This is another fine example of 1 photograph being worth 10,000 words. As Clint Eastwood would say, “Go ahead, make my day” by sending in your own caption in the comments section below.
Joseph Boyle · · ·
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle
This is another fine example of 1 photograph being worth 10,000 words. As Clint Eastwood would say, “Go ahead, make my day” by sending in your own caption in the comments section below.
Joe’s life is divided into 3+1 chapters. Chapter I: 25+ years in business including Estate Planning with New York Life, Revenue Officer with the U.S. Treasury Department, Sales Representative and gas main Extension King with Washington Natural Gas Company, Real Estate Broker, investor, developer, and property manager. Chapter II: 25 years in public service as a Pierce County Deputy Sheriff between the ages of 45 and 70. Chapter III: Began with an April Fool’s Day 2013 retirement and involves The Arts including Writing, Comedy, and the Blues. Currently Joe is a creator on Westside Story, The Benny's & Joey’s Quiz with Publisher Ben Sclair and Double Take with author / columnist Susanne Bacon. Joe has performed as an actor locally and done stand-up comedy in Seattle, Tacoma, New Jersey, and Las Vegas. Chapter +1 (or 4) finds Joe and his family leaving Washington state after 77 year of residency to the Westside of the Atlantic Ocean in a state named Delaware. Because Joe has left many friends in western Washington, he remains interested in the territory of his former Westside Story beat.
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“What’s wrong? My license says I’m ‘XMT’! You got a problem with that?”
This sign is complying with State Law by “Yielding to an Emergency Vehicle”! Good job, sign!
Please look at the photo again. The handicapped sign is facing the empty parking space opposite the space the police car is occupying. The police car is parked on the other side, and there is no handicapped sign facing that parking space. Someone jumped the gun here. :>)
Hey, way to ruin a great story!
Oh, doh! It’s a good thing I’m not a parking enforcement officer. Joe, you set this up to trick us, didn’t you?
It is not the fact that he is on the opposite side, it is that he hit the damn sign… open your eyes.
..And handicapped parking spots have half of a parking spot next to them with stripes on it so a wheelchair can be unloaded. Better trot that photo back in the barn!
Not all handicapped spots have the extra-wide space for van loading. Some do, some don’t.
They’re called push bars for a reason.
It appears someone is trying to create an issue. A bit of photosmearism. Was the vehicle in fact in contact with the post. Is this a case of officer accident or photographer deception?
Probably neither. The photo angle creates ambiguity – a situation ripe for viewer speculation, as we all demonstrated so well. I wish I could have been a “fly on the wall” – with access to Joe’s quick brain – when he happened on the situation and decided to take the photo. What was he thinking? Hey, here’s an opportunity for FUN!
Joe, were you able to slide a dollar bill between the sign and the push bar? A pencil? Was the signpost already rusty where it bends? Forensic evidence, please.
Tricky, Joe!
Mary, Dave, Dave, Bob, Bev, Ray, Sandy and Frances, Clint Eastwood would be proud. You have made our day with your comments. Upon review, you will note that all I provided was the photo. I did not share any judgements or opinions, but thanks for your creative energy as you filled in your own blanks helping to prove that 1 photo is worth 10,000 words. Joseph Boyle