Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle
During my 20 years in law enforcement, I spent my days searching for “Probable Cause” which often lead to uncovering someone committing a criminal act. I am retired now, so I no longer get to do that.
What I do now is look for “Probable Cause” which might lead to uncovering someone committing a humorous act.
Sunday, while on routine humor patrol in the City of University Place, I found some in the Green Firs parking lot.
The combination of the car and the license plate was a fun to see.
The car is a 2007 Ford Crown Victoria Police Special. It was formerly used as a patrol car by the Meridian Idaho Police Department.
Take a close look at my photo and enjoy a good laugh or at least a snicker.
This is my sons car! 🙂 This is the 4th or 5th one he’s owned in the last 4 years (people like to run stop signs and crash into him!! /: ). They’re great cars and saved his life in the last accident!
I wish I could say he got that license plate to be funny. Unfortunately, that’s not the case! He got it after he was charged with “Criminal Impersonation” after he bought his first one. The DA said his driving his vehicle around town was akin to walking into Walmart in a police uniform! O_o Funny you should mention “Probable Cause” because we got all the way to the day of trial WITHOUT any, even after repeated requests, by his attorney, for a PC hearing (the DA said that’s what the trial was for?!?!)!! On the day of trial, the charges were dropped! Meanwhile, anyone who drove his car was subject to being followed, intimidated and harassed! Personally, I was followed 3 times and pulled over once, by DuPont police, who wanted to know what department I belonged to. And a friend of his was detained by WSP for 45 – while being told the car was illegal and could be immediately impounded – before he was just let go! If police departments don’t want civilians driving their cars, then they should destroy them…….NOT sell them at public auctions!! :/
I’m glad you got a chuckle from his car! ;). That’s his baby! He loves that thing – maybe even more than his mama! 😛