By David Anderson
Why is Trudi Inslee, First Lady of Washington State, appearing on stage with – for lack of a more discreet term – ladies of the night?
Trudi Inslee, wife of Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, will join Miss Indigo Blue, Head Mistress of Academy of Burlesque and Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2012; and Inga Ingénue “The Little Blond Bomb,” winner of “Miss Viva Las Vegas, 2011” whose scantily-clad – and less – stage performances include “Immodesty Blaize’s ‘Burlesque Undressed Tour,’ Seattle; and “Nude Nite Exotic Art Festival,’ Orlando and Tampa, Florida.
Lindy West, writer for “Jezebel”, will also put in an appearance. “Jezebel,” a magazine that promotes “sex for women” includes a column on porn, the latest entitled “How I Became a Feminist Porn Star.”
Whatever your view of abortion, funds for which these ladies are joining forces to raise, there would appear to be, at minimum, a major conflict of interest between the sexual promiscuity – certainly explicit pornography – as paraded by Inslee’s costars whose revealing websites are all provided, and that of the stated interests of the Governor’s wife – whose website is linked as well, at which website Inslee declares herself to be in “support (of) social service programs and organizations that provide services for women and children who are victims of sexual assault.”
Does the end justify the means? Can Inslee, with integrity, trumpet her cause and speak honestly as an advocate to stop sex trafficking while at the same time align herself with those who perpetuate the very pain that the Governor’s wife would, from her position, lend her voice to stop? Would the Governor’s wife not have sent – and could she not still – a more powerful message from a far higher platform with multiplied greater impact by declining to participate? And is there something that in all of this that has been lost?
To the first two questions, no. To the last two, yes.
Integrity, wrote Stephen L. Carter, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of law at Yale University, in a book by that title, “comes from the same Latin root as integer (conveying) the sense of wholeness, undivided, completeness.”
In other words message, mannerisms, methods – and associations – must, if they are to reflect integrity at any rate, be consistent or integrity cannot be claimed.
Take the FBI for example – “which touts an agency motto of ‘fidelity, bravery, integrity’ – (and is) battling a sexting scandal.” ‘No more naked photos,’ is the message circulating throughout the agency. The reason being, of course, the position and the reputation of the FBI is at stake and pornography and employee association with attendant consequences are not befitting those who most certainly should know better.
Of course.
It should go without saying.
But they’re saying it anyway.
From our state’s First Lady to our nation’s First Lady – whose appearance at the just concluded Oscars has engendered much controversy, one critic calling her participation not only “tacky and tasteless” but one that cheapened the Presidency – principles have been trumped by party, not political party, just party.
As concerns the State of Washington’s Governor’s office, Trudi Inslee has done the same.