Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle
I have to admit that I enjoy visiting historic sites in the City of Lakewood; don’t get me wrong. But do you know what really makes me mad?
The historical places get all the attention, like monuments, bronze plaques, news articles, T.V coverage and dramatic attention from politicians. It must be nice to live or work at a historic site, but what about the rest of us?
Just because Ezra Meeker did not build a covered hops wagon in the garage at my place, does not mean I am a nobody. People like me who can’t afford to live or work at a historic site never get any recognition.
Well, I have the answer. You too can have a bronze plaque to mark your home or business as a special place. People will see your plaque and want to talk to you, just like you are an interesting person.
You may have to make some stuff up about your place, when the plaque triggers stimulating conversation from fascinating visitors, but that is a small price to pay to finally be somebody.
My photo says it all. The plaque is right here in the City of Lakewood screwed to a wall. I can’t give out the address, because she told me she did not want all those politicians hovering around her not-so-historic site.
If you happen to find this location with the plaque screwed to the wall, don’t tell her Joe Boyle sent you.
I don’t get the resentment, Joe…after all, you yourself are classified as a historic site.
Joe, over the last 20 years I have come to realize you don’t need a plaque. I know you are an interesting person!
thanx for the chuckle . . . nice plaque btw. 😉