Lakewood’s Summerfest drew a huge crowd Saturday, June 26, at Ft. Steilacoom Park. The event included stage shows, exhibits from a wide variety of commecial businesses as well as community organizations. There were play areas for kids plus military and fire department exhibits and a huge car show.
The bike rack in front of the Playground @ Ft. Steilacoom Park was packed during Summerfest.
The antique, street rods and vintage autos filled a huge area in Ft. Steilacoom Park during Lakewppd’s Summerfest Saturday, June 26. Trophies were awarded in a variety of categories.
Getting to the top of this vertical climbing wall was the object for lots of kids during Lakewood Summerfest. The climbers were assisted, as well as kept safe, by ropes.
There was a wide variety of activities for all ages during the Lakewood Summerfest. This group was engaging in jousting, using padded shields and swords.
Ballet students perform in front of an audience during Summerfest at Ft. Steilacoom Park. In the background is a Lakewood Fire Department ladder truck as well as some military displays.
The contest to decorate a Little Red Wagon culminated with the showing of all these wagons during Summerfest at Fty. Steilacoom Park. Sponsored by America’s Promise, the wagons helped promote the activities of Lakewood’s Promise organization.
Larry Saunders (left) and Bill Harrison manned the Lakewood Historical Society booth at Summerfest, selling raffle tickets and inviting people to learn more about the historical society.
SummerFest was a MONSTER this year! Congratulations, and a big THANKS to all the people who made it a success! Lakewood residents really show what “Community” is all about.
The Grave Concerns Association thanks Becky Huber and the Lakewood Historical Society for allowing us to share their booth. First we had a concert at the cemetery with Rj’s Express Band and raised a flag for the first time on our new flagpole that was installed by the Lakewood Parks Department, thanks so much!
The weather could not have been better, it was a great day.